Passy Muir Seminarios En Vivo
Hosted by our expert clinical specialists, these live seminars provide clinical information regarding tracheostomy, including the physiologic impact of tracheostomy on a patient’s respiratory, speech, and swallowing functions. Clinicians will learn step-by-step strategies to assess for the use of a no-leak speaking Valve to restore communication, improve swallowing, improve secretion management, and restore subglottic pressure in adults and children who require a tracheostomy. The basics for successful assessment and placement of a no-leak speaking Valve both with and without mechanical ventilation will be demonstrated, and the impact on communication, swallowing, secretion management, and subglottic pressure will be discussed. These interactive seminars feature hands-on training sessions, case studies, mock assessments, patient videos, and group discussion.
Se ofrecerá Educacion Continua para Terapeutas Respiratorios, Patólogos del Habla y Lenguaje y Enfermeras en los Estados Unidos. Todos los demás recibirán un certificado de asistencia.
"Indiscutiblemente el mejor curso de Educación Continua al que he asistido en mucho tiempo".
"He trabajado con la población de traqueostomía y ventiladores mecánicos por muchos años, pero cada vez que tomo sus cursos, siempre tomo no uno, sino varios, datos de información para llevar a mi personal e implementar lo antes posible"
"Podré usar la información que aprendí hoy durante una sesión de terapia con uno de mis pacientes de cuidados agudos mañana".
Upcoming LIVE In-Person Seminars:
Speaking Valve Use with Tracheostomy and Mechanical Ventilation: Now, We’re Talking!
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Monmouth University Graduate Center Cafe
Registration Now Open!
Speaking Valve Use with Tracheostomy and Mechanical Ventilation: Now, We’re Talking!
Saturday, April 12, 2025
MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital
Registration Now Open!
Speaking Valve Use with Tracheostomy and Mechanical Ventilation: Now, We’re Talking!
Saturday, May 31, 2025
Texas Health Fort Worth Hospital
Registration Now Open!
Speaking Valve Use with Tracheostomy and Mechanical Ventilation: Now, We’re Talking!
Saturday, October 4, 2025
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
Registration Now Open!
More locations coming soon…
Long Island, NY
Sacramento, CA
Southern California
Southeastern region